I went running the morning of the lobster bake and this is how I found my boys when I got home. Aren't they adorable!!
Shakobe with his Great Grandma Child. She is from Maine and every year she hosts a Lobster Bake as a way for us all to remember where she came from and bring us all together. She has fresh lobster flown in from Maine and it is absolutely delicious!!
Shakobe and my fam hanging out visiting while the food cooks and waiting for everyone to arrive!
Stretching big to make room in that chunky tummy for some yummy lobster!!lol
My cousin Rachael got to meet Shakobe for the first time along with some of my other cousins on the Child side. He loved all the attention he was getting he is such s little flirt its hilarious. Because of his size everyone thought he was much older they were shocked to hear that he turned 4 months that day. THey were thinking he was 8 months.
Dax and Gregg were so excited when they got there plate of lobster I had to take a picture. If you notice Shakobe looks like he is trying to sneak a piece while dax isn't looking. ha ha.
Poor little guy that tastes so great!! This was mine I had to have greggs help with cracking the shell but it sure is a fun messy way to enjoy your dinner!!
Dig in Dax!! Why waste time with the shell cracker when you can use your teeth! This guy is too awesome!!
Good times!!!
The fam enjoying the delicious meal! Thanks grandma and mom for planning such a wonderful day it was tons of fun. Cant wait til next year!!
I can't believe your little guy is so big! It just seems like yesterday that he was born. What a cutie!