Shakobe meeting Santa for the first time. I was a little nervous he would pull on santa's beard like he does his daddy's but we were lucky he was more interested in ringing santa's bells on his suit!
Kanyon and Saylor waiting to see Santa to show Shakobe to not be afraid. (Even though Saylor refused to look at Santy Claus.)
Kynlee and Shakobe trying to plan a way to get ahold of santa's fancy bells.
Santa took a minute to talk to Bryson and Rylie. This busy guy remembered what these kids have wanted in years passed I was really impressed.
Shakobe was amazed by santa just sat there and looked him over. lol
This year in my dads family we did something different and had a ugly christmas sweater contest. I loved it and here are the contestants
My little Fabulously hideous sweater wearing family!! I know some of you will want to barrow my pretty number im wearing but sorry its off limits!!
At the party my aunt Judy had a horse drawn wagon that her Grandsons took people on wagon rides. it was so much fun. thanks Judy.
Little man loved it so much he fell asleep without his bink or anything. He is his grandpa's boy thats for sure.
My friend made this awesome cake for brysons 13th birthday. She did a great job so if any of you ever need a sweet cake for any occasion let me know.
Gregg and babies at Brysons birthday party.
Grandpa Richard had a fun work christmas party we were able to go to. It was at the fun park with another visit from santa who brought a extra special treat he loved. a plastic candy cane full of candy but little man loved the plastic. lol. Thanks grandpa for such a great time. Oh and HAPPY birthday today from your little buddy.
That same day was my grandma childs Christmas party in brigham. Gregg helped say open her present from them.
Shakobes first christmas present he got to open. He loved the paper. My grandparents are amazing. Me and Jamie figured it out and they have 5 children, 16 grandchildren, and soon to be 32 great grandchildren. WOW. and every year they get us all presents which they dont need to we are happy just to spend time with them but grateful for all they give us.
Soaking up all the attention from the Child family!
More attention!
More more attention!!
Extreme amount of attention which he was very satisfied with. Looked at me like "Look at this mom"
Merry Christmas all!! Love the Rigbys